Thursday, August 23, 2012

Consistency is KEY

In a Relationship
Some guys really know how to woo you. Once they think they have you the woo is gone, then you have a couch potato with plans to have you over to be a couch potato too.


No offense couch potatoes, I am one too. I would just rather do it by myself, thanks.

It begins with the coffee, then the dinner, then the long walks at the beach after a nice movie, then dinner at subway, then eat before we go out and theeeennnnnnnn, oh just come over well watch some netflix and eat ice cream on the couch.

Lets say you want to go away somewhere, if that's the case hopefully the guy helps plan or plans most of it, cause if the girl plans and then he asks if your excited? Ummm NO, the girl already know whats going down because she planned it, duh!

A lady should only have to worry about looking pretty and waiting to be picked up.   She should be PLEASANTLY SURPRISED AS TO WHAT'S IN STORE FOR THE DAY! It should be a mystery to keep her intrigued.  NO MYSTERY = NO EXCITEMENT.  GUESS WHATS NOT GONNA HAPPEN LATER?   I'm just sayin!

The comfort zone is probably what some people go for, both guy and girl. You don't really try anymore, your just ok with what ever. No more opening doors or picking you up or just coming to see you for the short 30 minutes you have.

Then it all goes down hill from there and you either stay and keep wondering when the spark is going to come back or you bounce.

I say BOUNCE, let them learn with the next person.

If your going to be a certain way in the beginning, you better be prepared to keep it up. Unless of course you don't care what happens, which happens at a certain point then that's the answer for both involved.

Taking for granted is the leading killer of all relationships. I'm just sayin...

Shout out to ANGELA for her input ;) Smooches

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Give and TAKE

When you can, always give. When you have nothing then take. Its that simple. It will somehow balance out, I assure you.

In a Relationship
This could mean your time, taking an interest in what one another is into, and taking time for your self.
Honestly I'm no good at this so I cant explain it any better. Maybe I take too much time for myself, hence all the ME time.

With Friends and Family
Share your day, share your dreams, share your grievances. DON'T forget to allow them the chance to do the same, or ELSE there will be no one there to share with anymore. I'm just sayin...

If your a grown up, then be a grown up. Take responsibility for your actions, apologize if need be and try to be better next time. No one likes meaningless apologies, you'll see. ALSO if you cant face that you've done something wrong then you cant move forward. YOU will never mend the relationship and you will be a repeat offender for life.

Some people cant apologize, have you ever noticed that? They simply cant face that they said or did anything to offend anyone. I haven't figured these people out, I can only assume they were scorned heavily at one time and cant take it anymore. Maybe its something completely different, who the heck knows.
Could be the case of the huge ego.

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I'm trying to live my dreams man!

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

One Sided LOVE

Stop Drop and Roll

I think this happens more in grade school than anything. When you see someone that peaks your interest and just think you love them but know nothing about them. Then you grow up and realize there is more to love than meets the eye.

Ok, well it could still happen when your older if you haven't wizened up or had enough experience. Sometimes your in a relationship and then you get blindsided by the other person no longer being interested for no apparent reason. Then your left hanging, all alone, with just you and your feelings.

I think this is where stalkers are made, or simply those people who just cant let you go. People need to have a rule book to breaking up. Its really a delicate situation. If not done right you could ruin that person for the rest of their love life.

I'm no expert at breaking up, so you'll have to do your own research. Good luck to you! The one thing I can tell you is never lead someone on. If you even have the slightest feeling your not all in, express yourself. Communication is of utmost importance. Duh!

If you've ever been the one left hanging, I recommend you look back and remember all the things you hated about them and realize that you could find someone with all the qualities you like. Its never to late, there will always be another fish around the corner. Fo Sho!

If you've never found a fish, well I'm sorry, I really don't know what to tell you. Try makeup ;) unless you already wear a lot, then wear less. If your a guy, be a gentleman not a push over.

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I'm trying to live my dreams man!

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Monday, August 6, 2012

In LOVE with 2 people?

No way ho say!

I was watching the end of the Bachelorette today and she says that she cant choose because she loves both guys.
Do you think that its possible? I do believe that it is, however it wont last. Its for the time being and its because they are set up in this fantasy land where love is meant to bloom. Who's to say she'll love either one when its over. No other contestants but one have survived. What does that tell you?

I think she put herself through this whole emotional roller coaster to be disappointed. What do you think?

Now lets look at the real world. There are polygamist. One man loves more than one woman and they love him back. They have agreed to this lifestyle and they fight everyday to make it work, making their bonds stronger.

How come a man can do it but a woman cant? Don't you think we need more attention and care? It could be that three guys put together would make one perfect man for some woman. I'm Just sayin...
Would a guy ever agree to this?

Have you ever heard of Polyandry? Well its actually the term for one woman married to more than one guy. If they made a word for it then it must exhist! It does, however its not very common and it seems to have occurred outside of the united states. Damn!

Just because we don't see it doesn't mean its not happening in our own back yard. People will do as they please even if it isn't recognized by the law.

Honestly though keeping up with multiple relationships would be way to hard. Its hard enough just making one work. Where would all the ME Time be?

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I'm trying to live my dreams man!

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