Saturday, June 30, 2012

My Apologies

Have you ever had to say you were sorry but didn’t mean it?
When I was in elementary school I remember this girl intentionally doing things to get on my nerves. She never got caught and it was the most annoying thing ever. One day she stood in my way so I pushed her. She cried and got sent to the nurse’s office then they sent me to apologize. I went to the office and the nurse asked if I had anything to say? I said "NO". I felt totally justified in my actions and I didn't care that she didn't understand the circumstances. The consequence was not being able to go out on recess. That was really no big deal because I got to hang out with the cool T.A. Let me just say that I know it is never right to put your hands on anyone else, this can teach you to brain storm a better strategy at an early age. I also want to say that if it were my child being harassed and or bullied, I wouldn’t hold it against them. Sorry I’m just sayin...

Fast forward to today. We have this new supervisor at work that thinks that the rules don’t apply to her. She has no problem implementing them on others but has no sense of time or responsibility herself. I will say she is really good at hiding it. Kudos to her. I have totally lost all respect for her and the tensions have risen. The thing is, she could get away with whatever she wanted if she didn’t try to be a hard ass. I will say I’m not a model employee, however I do get the job done. Once you’ve been somewhere for a while you gotta find ways to get through the day and if it doesn’t hurt anyone then who the hell cares?

As an adult I know there will be worse consequences for my behavior than just being kept in at recess. There was this one time she was buttering me up to get me to do something for her and my response was "you don’t have to kiss my ass to get me to do something. Just ask". Sometimes I say things in a funny not so serious way to take the edge off. Well that terminology was not acceptable to her so  she asked to speak to me in private. Basically it was to tell me how inappropriate it was but also was fishing for an apology. I let her do all the talking, I know better than to open my mouth in frustration as I may dig myself in a deeper hole. When she was finally done listening to herself talk to me, she asked if there was anything I would like to say? Honestly, because I felt I was half joking, an apology didn’t even cross my mind. Then I got this look that jogged my brain to start searching for something. I finally came up with "oh I'm sorry". You see, I’ve come a long way. Did I mean it? Nope. However I know that it’s better to keep the peace and drop it.

It’s funny that "I’m sorry" can make such a difference. I also think that is why we have so many hypocrites and people who get away with things. They have learned the art form of the apology. They have mastered that sweet personality that makes you think they can do no wrong. It is so unfortunate that I have such a hard time being such a fake person. Damn!

Anyway, my co-workers think that she is in the process of digging her own hole. That there is nothing we have to do because she is doing it for us. BUT WHEN, WHEN will the madness end???? Not just her but all the people like her....

Be sure to watch me on YouTube  TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Shop: TheMagentaShop
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
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Friday, June 29, 2012

Silly Phone Pictures

So I got a trim, do you like it? 
Ok but honestly this picture is hilarious! I was playing with my phone camera yesterday and after all this time discovered it could do these photo tricks. I’m not a photographer so I’m no good at terminology.

Some people said I looked like an evil Disney character. I think it resembles a beautiful alien.

Or my face is just sucking everything in.

At first glance it kinda looks like I have a mint mask on. Nope it's the camera effect. I look like I'm in a trance probably from the alien above...

Shocking! The alien has broken me up into pixels. Actually it’s another camera effect. BUT WOW! All the ways to keep myself entertained.

As you can see I could think of nothing better for today's blog. I find it quiet entertaining, I hope you do as well. PEACE!

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube  TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Adventure Girls

So in brain storming with my friend Fran about what I would just love to do in life, we came up with ADVENTURES. There are so many TV shows about food and places and I would just love to be one of those people who gets to get paid to do it as well. I mean why the heck not!? The problem is I'm no body and know no one to get me there. Therefore I have to begin somewhere, somehow.

In order to make it interesting and less lonely I wanted to do it with my friend Dominique. One day we just got together and started filming a little clip of the day. Now because it is just us, we can’t do the actual adventures that I had envisioned but I feel that in exposing us, we will work our way towards the ultimate goal. I’m sure we would do a lot more if it wasn’t so embarrassing to film ourselves in public. Also we have to carry the camera ourselves too, so how do we know we are even in the frame? These are just some of the obstacles we'll have to deal with!

So far I have edited 2 videos of us. You must forgive the sloppiness we are new and I’m sure with time it will get better and better, just like aged wine or beer if that’s your thing.

This was our morning at Starbucks then after the Bethenny show...

This was Industry Night at Madame Tussauds ...

Now these are far from what I had in mind but you work with what you got! What I want to be able to do is go to exotic place and try the food and shop the local stores and share their styles. This would be different because you have 2 very girly girls in a different setting but also sharing the culture from our points of view.

Sooooooooo if you happen to be or know someone who needs to fill a spot on a TV channel we are your solution. You could be the one to make a girls dream come true. For those of you just reading because you ran across this and had nothing better to do, which I appreciate.... I am well aware that this is not something that just happens and that I must create a following so that when the time comes to be on TV, people will actually watch and have some idea of who we are. Duh!

Therefore, I urge you to explore me. I am on YouTube and will continue to write my blogs as close to daily as I can.

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube  TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

P.S. ~Don't be greedy, share me with your friends ;)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Things to do Alone...

Some people hate doing things alone and some people love it. I suppose it depends on the circumstance and situation.

I think it’s important to be comfortable enough in your own skin to spend time with yourself. Some people hate eating alone. I know for myself, it would be embarrassing to sit in a restaurant full of people and eat. Where do you look and what do you do there by yourself? I have no problem eating alone otherwise. That is considered my quiet time and it’s enjoyable. I have seen people in restaurants and bars by themselves, they seem confident about it and that’s admirable.

One time I had some time to kill, I passed the Movie Theatre and seriously considered watching one by myself. I thought and thought and then decided that I would rather lay out at the beach alone. I have yet to go to a movie by myself. The reasonable side of me knows that it really wouldn’t be that bad at all. It’s the act of buying the ticket for one and walking inside. I think I'm good with Netflix and redbox at home, it saves money, Duh!

What I don't mind is sitting at Starbucks by myself with my coffee and book or computer. You can people watch and that’s entertaining.

For those of you who really need to break out of their shell I recommend taking a train/bus ride and sing to yourself out loud or ride your bike and sing really loud and free like the guy my friend saw. I personally wouldn't do this but you should!

If you have a significant other and find that you never have a night alone, try going for a stroll or the gym alone. Sometimes too much time together can be a bad thing and you get a better sense of yourself if you set aside time for YOU, no matter what it is. You could sit in bed and do absolutely nothing and let your thoughts keep you company. It’s good to find yourself entertaining. I myself think I’m hilarious!

Going for a good hike and enjoying nature is also very rewarding. I haven’t done it but I can seriously imagine it. Get some culture and go to a museum, walk around and embrace it. My sister loves museums, so I don’t really need to go because I get my fill.

Anywho, you get the picture. Go forth and prosper in your new found alone time.

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube  TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

P.S. ~Don't be greedy, share me with your friends ;)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Long Work Days

I read an article today about how Americans are working more hours than ever.

"In 2006, the same BLS survey found employed Americans working an average of 8.06 hours a day. In 2007, it was 7.98 hours, and in 2008 it was 7.99. Then, as we all know, the economy had a bit of a stumble. The following year, in 2009, the hours-per-day-worked figure had dropped off to 7.78. And in 2010 it was 7.82, still considerably below the eight-hour mark it had hovered around before the recession."

I find these small changes to be irrelevant when you compare what I read in the following article.

"According to the ILO, “Americans work 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more hours per year than British workers, and 499 more hours per year than French workers.”

Boy do I wish I were French right about now....
Ok I wont complain because I got this email today from the Universe saying  "there's nothing, ever, to be unhappy about. Unless, of course, you lose sight of the big picture or think the illusions are real"

I guess the big picture for me, would be that anything is possible. The possiblity of me working 2 days out of the week and having the rest of the time to be me, is so very likely!
That is of course making more money than I do now. Which shouldn't be hard since I don't make very much anyway.
Ha! Don't you just love my imagination????

The relevent part of this video is towards the end. Hang in there!
Or don't, what ever you want...

I don't want you to think I'm ungreatful but I am an American, therefore can be selfish and want way more for way less!
Sorry, Im just sayin...

Obviously I'm only focusing on what I find relevant to me, so don't hate, appreciate my utter honesty.

I'm truely disturbed that we aren't encouraged to value and focus on "ME TIME". I would consider this to be everything related to you.
Family, friends, vacations, meditation, watching tv, eating ect...

My friend has a theory that we should be able to eat what ever we want without becoming fat. The reason we do is because we eat in a hurry and stress eat.
Obviously there is more to it but I see the point.

We work to make money to support our family. Then we neglect our family due to work. We neglect ourselves due to stress from work. Where is all the "ME TIME"?

I know this isn't the case for everyone of course. Im just making a blanket statement!

As you can probably tell by now I'm all about ME and you should and have every right to be all about YOU!

Those are all the words Magenta has for you today...

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube  TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

Friday, June 22, 2012

Its the little dog things I love

Recently my sister and mom rescued a puppy from some lady just giving him away. He was so little, cute and quiet! Now hes growing, biting and barking! Its ok, we love him anyway. He's some kind of chihuahua mix, someone mentioned perhaps terrier.
I had previously been exposed to chihuahuas and know of their crazy barking nature, which can get very annoying. They do become territorial and it takes time to get in their good graces. I feel hes so little and should not be this temperamental already with strangers.

Any who, we took him to the beach this past Sunday and had a fun time. He is so attached to my mom since she is his main caregiver, therefore he never strays far which is a good thing. Although he has a strong personality he is quite a little scaredy cat. He wouldn't play in the water with my sister and doesn't like strangers approaching. He is supposed to be my sisters dog cause she begged for him, he doesn't seem to know that.

Chico started digging his very first hole then my sister continued it and put herself inside.

As you can see she is very pleased with herself. My dad encouraged and assisted with her burial. That sounds bad, but you get the picture. Literally!
As you can see hes pretty adorable and affectionate. I just cant get enough!

After the beach we took a walk through the promenade and he is pretty good at staying in his bag. I think thats his comfort zone. We didnt bring the leash as he refuses to follow with it. That is going to take some time and training.

This is an older shot of her dressed as a princess and Chico with his prince cape. I sewed it myself. Dogs can become an addiction. There are times he is all I think about. All the cute little things he does, how excited he is to see me and just his cute little self.

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube  TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It seems to me that retirement isn't on every ones mind. Some have their point of view on how it should work. I was talking to a friend that thinks you should just make as much money as you can in life and not worry about it cause if you've done it right you will just have the money. I guess if you are making money this is a great point of view. I would love to just think of making a ton of money and retire tomorrow. Wouldn't that be amazing!?

For some people making money doesn't come easy, sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes you get in your own way. Some people get married and have babies way to soon. Some people lack the motivation or life strategy. They weren't guided as a child to have a plan and work with what life throws their way. Some people want to make money with what ever their passion is. They just want to be happy doing what their doing making a living. People like me haven't figured out how to do that yet, so we sit in an office with no windows contemplating a way out. Dun dun duuuunnnn.....

In this story the couples retirement were exotic birds that got stolen. Now what are they to do? They are already at retirement age.

If you go by what society or the government tells you to do, you'll go to college, work a corporate job, set up a 401K, saving account, Roth Ira and hope that all of that equals a million dollars or more when your ready to retire. If  it doesn't amount then you keep working till it does or your screwed. One thing that is done automatically for you is Social Security. Ive been told not to rely on that because it will be depleted by the time I get to use it. Well all I have to say is that I have all my check stubs to prove that it came from my hard earned money. If they think they aren't going to give it back, I will throw the biggest bitch fit you've ever seen!
I've heard horrible stories about social security and one day I will be their horrible story. That is unless I have over a million dollars to retire on. HA! Can that be tomorrow please?

My dad asks what I will do once I retire? Well ill do what ever the heck I want. That is assuming I have all the money I want. There is a story:
The Story about the poor old FishermanOne day a rich Westerner who had made sqillions from speculating on the stock market was strolling along the beach and saw the fisherman pulling in his boat with his meager catch.
The rich Westerner stopped and remarked “not much of a catch today”. The fisherman replied “yes not much” but explained that his small catch was enough for him and his family.
The rich Westerner asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?”
“I sleep late, play with my children and have an afternoon’s rest under a coconut tree. In the evenings, I go to the local pub to see my friends, play some music, and sing a few songs….. I have a full and happy life.” replied the fisherman.
The rich Westerner ventured, “I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you…… You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat.
With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have a large fleet. Instead of selling your fish to a middleman, you can negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to a city from where you can direct your huge enterprise.”
“And after that?” asked the fisherman.What a poor Fisherman can teach you about Retirement
“After that? That’s when it gets really interesting,” answered the rich Westerner, laughing, “When your business gets really big, you can start selling stock in your company and make millions!”
“Millions? Really? And after that?” pressed the fisherman.
“After that you’ll be able to retire, move out to a small village by the sea, sleep in late every day, spend time with your family, go fishing, take afternoon naps under a coconut tree, and spend relaxing evenings with friends…”

I found this story posted by Allan, Moderator of the Bali Forum. LIfe is What You Make IT!

Obviously life isn't over when you retire, you still have to keep your mind and body moving and most people end up living out what they couldn't while they were working. Some people work to their grave. Yet again it isn't work if you enjoy what you do. My dad and I met a man who works on model trains, he has a real passion for them and that's what keeps him going.  He had his own business then retired and this is what he does. It may be silly to some, then again what do you plan on doing?

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube  TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

Schindlers's List

Middle school is when they begin teaching us about the holocaust.  I remember watching a whole movie on Anne Frank and it was rough to watch knowing that this happened in real life at one time. After the movie, I had to make my way to another class and I was still in a haze from having seen such a thing. I wondered how my teacher felt after having to show this movie each year to her students and listening to it herself. Now I realize that people can adjust to things and the shock wears away after a while.

Shortly after the movie Schindler's List came out, I remember my parents watching it but they thought it may be too graphic for me to watch. Being that I had already watched Anne, I had no interest in watching anyway.  Compared to my little bubble of life these are scary movies. I understand the need to learn about this so that it never happens again but somehow I think it weighed heavily on me for a while. I never talked to my friends about what they thought, so I don't know if I was the only one stuck in this train of thought.

Till this day I have a hard time watching gory things. I guess I somehow imagine it happening to me or can  feel just how horrific it would have been.  There is this overwhelming tenseness that I get, its like work trying to relax again. From what I know about stress being unhealthy, watching these movies are unhealthy for me to watch.

I have not watched Schindler's List but I ran across this web site that basically lays it out in writing. I did not have the patience to read the whole thing. You can imagine how long it is when its from a 3 hour movie. That is too much realness for me to handle all at once.

When they can use the words "brutality" and "horrific incidents" you know its probably too much for me to handle. Wikipedia explains that they got Spielberg to direct it from the book. Seeing that there are so many people to chose from how did they end up focusing on Schindler. From what I read his ex-wife says
"Schindler did nothing remarkable before the war and nothing after it." It goes on to say his life postwar was shabby and unexceptional. So where did his story come to light?'s_Ark

Maybe someday I'll get the nerve to watch it and have a real point of view on him directly but from what it seems, its all questionable. As are most things in history and politics. We all take a side hoping its right but who the heck really knows. Maybe it starts off right then gets swayed.

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube  TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

P.S. ~Don't be greedy, share me with your friends ;)

Monday, June 18, 2012


This thought came to mind when I was watching Snow White this weekend. It said they named her from the mothers blood fallen on snow. Because of its beauty she wanted her daughter to be white as snow with red lips. Can I just say Kristen Stewart did not fit the description but that's besides the point.

Then came the red poisonous apple. Out of all the colors an apple can come in, why did it have to be red?
Did her mothers wish somehow also curse her?

One thing lead to another and I then thought about Adam and Eve and the apple. We grew up with the story of her eating the fruit and getting banished from the garden. Wouldn't this psychologically ruin an apple for us? We grow up learning that we must eat fruit and "an apple a day will keep the Dr. away". Maybe if we all came together and stopped eating apples (red apples) one day we'd be invited back into the garden. Just a thought ...

I ran a across some articles on this and one pointed out that the bible never says apple but that "Genesis most definitely records that she did eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So why do people think of an apple? One reason is that the Latin word for evil is malum and the Latin word for apple is also malum. " Web Site

The Latin word for Good is bonus melior optimus, I suppose they couldn't tie that to a fruit. I would say strawberry but that's just me. Plus we are to lazy and would never want to repeat those 3 words when we can just go with Malum. Also there is no justification for her eating the forbidden fruit making it a bad thing, so they could not go for the good. What a shame...

So lets say it wasn't the apple. These would be some other options: pears, cherries, peaches or plums. It doesn't say she peeled and ate, so it can't be lemons or oranges. Those are still safe.

Because of the assumption that it was an apple. Now all men have to live with it.
"The term "Adam's Apple" is derived from the forbidden fruit in the biblical account of the lives of Adam and Eve" Web Site  WOW!

In other news "the apple is the symbol of the divine. Apple trees are symbolic of wisdom and guidance." I would say that is why the company APPLE is named as such. Good for them.

Thats all the time I have for today...

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube  TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

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In life we have many choices and decisions. When we are younger most of them are made for us but then WAM!  It becomes our responsibility. No matter who supported you or guided you, in the end its your choice and decision making that will lead you to where ever you are and are going. Continuing your education after high school is a huge question mark for many people.

I for one wanted to get my AA and be done with it. I wanted to get my real estate license and pick up and run from there. I ended up getting my license before my AA and then didn't see the point in continuing. That was my choice and now I'm here. Where that is I'm not sure yet. I guess I'm turning in to one of those people who dibble dabble in all sorts of things looking for their passion. The thing that will allow you to be happy everyday and make a living. I thought real estate would allow me the freedom everyday of driving around looking at houses and meeting wonderful people while making money. Boy was I wrong and even worse in this economy. Don't get me wrong I'm still trying but less and less it seems.


I had this vision of me being a bad ass business bitch who got her way in every deal she made. I still would like to be that person but have yet to have the opportunity. Perhaps it wont be in Real Estate and this is just the road I have to take to reach my destination.


Some people fall into their field of work. They get lucky and then just roll with it regardless of if it was what they wanted, but hey its a living. Sometimes its not much of a living but they just settle. I guess no way is right or wrong it just is and you just accept it. Some people don't accept it and keep searching. I think I'm that person. I know I don't want the man on my back everyday.  I don't want one big lady determining if I can have this time or that time off. My time is not up for negotiation. I don't want to sit in front of a computer in an office with no windows making money for someone else. If its my office and my computer making my money than thank the lord! Until then I continue my search.

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

P.S. ~Don't be greedy, share me with your friends ;)

Find the best Accessory KingViral

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Recently I had it in my head to give what ever change I had to the next homeless person I saw. It just struck me to give. (Mostly because of a book I had been reading) But seriously as soon as I began to think this way no one was around to give it to. One day I went to In N Out and there was a lady selling flowers or something random and I didn't have cash but I thought I'd buy her a burger instead. I waited as they were quite busy as usual. Once I got the food she was gone! This happened in other instances and then the thought faded and I no longer really actively think to give. Its hard for me because I have to be in the right state of mind and feel more free to give because I'm in need myself. Just not as bad as others. I also read that it can be given not only with money but with your time. (Money equals energy) That's reasonable to me. I just have to remember that if I don't give it will be taken in some way or so I read.

I then began to think of all the charities there are and if I ever had the money to give to charities on a regular basis, how would I choose which one to give to? I know most people give to what ever one most relates to them in their lives. Off the top of my head I would think to give to animal shelters or something to do with animals because they can't fend for themselves and its not their fault. Then there are the kids and people restarting after a rough patch in life and I feel for them. Sometimes people just need a help up, just that one little hand to make all the difference. I would also worry about how much money is going to the cause or are going in to the founders pocket. I mean its great to give but I don't want to be taken advantage of while trying to do so.

I found this site that lists all the charitable foundations
Going through the list there are so many I didn't want to count them. I did notice that there are 10 marked NEW. I don't know when they began but that means more are on the way. Also there are none that begin with Q,X or Z. So the next time someone comes up with one they need to be more original.
I need one myself, lets call it TheMagentaCharity or QXZ MagentaFoundation.  Great! Thanks!

I'm just sayin!

Any who this just shows how much help everyone needs in some way, shape or form. On netflix I saw this movie called Cafe with Jennifer Love Hewitt. I didn't like it much but there was a lady who was interviewing people to work for her in this organization. Someone asked her if she ever wanted to give up because she can't possibly fix everyone and everything. Her response was she didn't need to fix everything just her area and someone else can take care of their area and so on. I cant remember word for word but basically that's the just of it. So I think we all need to remember that although we cant do it all, a little will go a long way. Every ones feet together will make one huge foot forward. Make sense? Well anyway I'm done with my rant.
Have a good one!

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Earn Extra Money ...

The average person wants to make more money. Of this I'm certain!
I know I always think and or talk about how I need more money.
I had a friend send me this. I believe its a webisode by yahoo ...

In it there is a family trying to make money aside from their full time job. I would love to do that. What I would love more is to make more money doing something entirely different but you have to start somewhere.

The above checklist from the video is a good place to start. You cant just go into something with out some type of goal to reach for. If you don't have a goal then how will you know how well you've done or where you need to improve?
You need to be aware of what you've been doing with your time. What has been a waste of time and where can you cut back ?
If there has been something in the past you have tried and made money at, what happened? Did you make a lot of money or a little? Was it worth the time you put into it? If you were to do it again what would you do differently to make it easier and more viable?

Everyone has a secret talent that perhaps they keep private but may potentially be something they could market and sell.

Don't be shy! Go for it! Nothing wagered nothing gained .... I think that's what they say.

These things include:

Writing - You could write a book, short story or article and sell it. Review work or edit work for someone.

Food Service-  Food truck, Catering or Baking,

Arts and crafts - Have you ever made anything someone loved? Make it more and sell it!

Make clothes- Have skills with a sewing machine? Design something and produce it.

Re-Vamp furniture- I've tried this but you have to have storage and more than one person. Go around and find free or cheap furniture no one wants then add your own personal touch with paint or spray cans and sell that. This can be done with anything.

Sell things on eBay, Craigslist or Amazon- A lot of people buy things just because... if you have clothes that are in good condition or you never took the tag off, sell it! If you find a good deal on something and think others will pay more, buy then sell it!

Recycle- This is good for everyone. If you have a space to keep all the things that could be recycled do so and get your money back. Everyday we throw out cans, water bottles and so on. Its not just a job for the homeless. This is your money in the trash... Don't worry I do it too.

I'm sure there are way more creative things that you could come up with. People love creativity. Cool new things that no one else thought of or could make come true.
That could be you!

ALSO ....
Have you ever heard  "A penny saved is a penny earned" ?
Think about it. We slave away all day. Then we see something random to buy and there goes your dollar or hundred dollars. Before you impulse buy take some time, maybe a day or two and then if you really cant live without it go ahead if you must. I'm sure you've heard this before but that's my reminder to you and to myself!

If you chose not to buy that thing or those things, think about putting that money into savings for something more gratifying in the future and consider that your treat or gift.

There's always a bigger picture, you wait and see!

That is all...

Shop: TheMagentaShop

Be sure to watch me on YouTube TheMagentaShow and  TheMagentaVlog
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: MagentaTalk
Until next time
